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ICAO recognises IFATSEA as an official observer

Par Youssef LAZAR (IFATSEA V.P), le 21 Décembre 2010

ICAO officially recognises IFATSEA’s contribution to aviation. After almost 40 years, IFATSEA gets this recognition and The Council of ICAO has just approved it as an official observer status.

ICAO officially recognises IFATSEA’s contribution to aviation.

ICAO officially recognises IFATSEA’s contribution to aviation. After almost 40 years, IFATSEA gets this recognition and The Council of ICAO has just approved it as an official observer status. However, this means that ICAO is looking for more participation and contribution from IFATSEA. Over the last decade, IFATSEA increased his participation and enhanced a communication at all ICAO levels, participating to various ICAO activities (Working Groups, Task Force, Panels, Conferences, Assemblies, ATSEP Training Manual Doc 7192, etc...). Recently, Chuck Siragusa and Michel Gaulin have formed an international ATSEP WG for tackling the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals Task Force. See attached the new composition of the Board, Directors & Liaison 0fficers.